
Two trainings for Sørlandsgaloppen are prepared. Controls and start are marked with white
and orange plastic – tape. Print maps yourself. If you can’t, there are 25 examples of each training map in the postbox at the following address: Margretes veg 6 (2 km from O-camp), name: Dag Steinar Ragvin.

Training 1 is free. For training 2 you can Swich/Vipps NOK 30,- to 567887.

Training 1
Start is 600 meter from O-camp. Old map from 1992. Similar forest as day 2.
Download map

Training 2
Parking is 4 km from O-camp. Start on opposite side of the main road. Be careful when you
cross this road! 14 controls. Similar forest as day 3 and 4. No numbers on the controls. Nice
waterfall nearby.
Download map

Map to start/parking