Welcome to Sørlandsgaloppen 2024!

The race will be held in Bø in Telemark from June 27. to June 30. It will be a compact event with all races and camp within a few hundred meters.


June 27Sprint18.30TelemarkshallenSommarland
June 28Middle11.00TelemarkshallenFolkestadåsen
June 29Long11.00TelemarkshallenFolkestadåsen
June 30Middle11.00TelemarkshallenFolkestadåsen

Get there

To Bø it is easy to travel by train, bus or car. If you come by plane, you should fly to Gardermoen or Torp. If you come from Denmark, it is easy to take the ferry from Hirtshals to Larvik. You can go by train from Oslo.


The Event Camp will be at First Camp Bø. This is a few hundred meters away from the competition center. Many orienteerers will stay here in tents and cabins. Se First Camp Bø’s webpage for more information and booking. For other alternatives, take a look at Visit Bø webpage.

Event area


The terrain you will encounter is mostly open forest terrain with rocky outcrops, heather, marshland, and pine forest. Large areas are flat and easy to run on, but there are also slightly hilly areas with loose ground, pits, and spruce forest.

The sprint will take place in Bø Sommarland. Here, running will involve navigating between slides, playgrounds, buildings, and other activity areas. There are some open spaces, fences, and roads, with elements of tall spruce and pine forests.

Link to old maps as pdf:
Folkestadåsane from 2020
Bø Camping from 2020

Classes and courses

Look at the page for classes and courses. Adjustments might come at a later time.


Entry is done in Eventor. You might need to create a profile. You will get payment info as part of the entry process. In Eventor you will also see what classes are available.

Entry fees for each raceEntry deadline
Entry deadline
Up to 16 years110110
From 17 years220330
N2-åpen 17-, C-åpen 17-, B-åpen 17-, AK-åpen, AL-åpen, AM-åpen170170
Rent emit card (each day)5050

Tourist info

You will find a lot of different information about the area at Visit Bø https://visitbo.no/en/. But make sure to visit the Water Park. It is fun for both kids and adults!

Contact info

If need to get in contact with us, send an e-mail to info@soerlandsgaloppen.no